My Radiant Void

My Radiant Void

The darkest night summons no demons,

Only the flicker of lampshade memories

Knocking, as if searching a shelter,

After murdering,

Chased by their concealed conscience.

The deepest night visits me often in daylight, draped in black coffee.

And we sip wine together.

He has a lot to say.

He doesn’t believe in doors, windows, and clocks.

He enters quite like the landlord.

The darkest night summons no demons,

Only the memories I kill to resurrect.

My Radiant Void
Photograph by Shihab Ahmed


  • Maliha Akhter

    Maliha Akhter, studying English literature, loves to paint, write poetry, read books, listen to music, watch movies, anime, animations, and stare at nature. She is always eager to learn about new cultures.

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  • Shihab Ahmed

    Shihab doesn't seem to have opinions about most things and finds it hard to rate the things he's watched. Can't seem to stick to a particular hobby but have been clinging on to photography for quite a while now. He hopes to make the best out of it!

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