Submission Guidelines

The Interlude is an online magazine based in Bangladesh run by students residing all over the world, where we present our creative work and share our opinions freely. We want our writers and readers to be true to themselves, illustrators to bloom and photographers to thrive without fear of rejection of their respective works.

Submission Guidelines for Writers

We are interested in a wide variety of topics and styles of writing, including, but not limited to, personal stories, opinions, reviews, criticism, recommendations, satire, fiction, poetry, etc.

Writers should carefully review the submission guidelines below before submitting work. Artists and Photographers can find a separate guideline below as well.

How to Send Us Your Work

You can email your work to

Include the following in your file: 

  1. Your full name
  2. A short bio describing yourself

The subject line must include:

  1. Title of your work
  2. Category under which you would like your work to be published

We prefer the submissions to be in a Google Doc file with a sharing link and given access to us. However, you may also send us your piece in the following formats: .doc, .docx, and .pdf.

If you have any suggestions for an accompanying artwork or photography, please attach them to the same email in .png, .jpg, or .jpeg formats.

Please send only one piece of writing in a single email. Send a separate email for a different submission following the above guidelines.

Word Count

Since we are an online magazine, we do not need to worry about the length of a piece. Hence, you have the freedom to write to your heart’s content. 

Nevertheless, as a guideline for feature writers (and also for SEO purposes), we suggest 600-2500 words depending on the topic, e.g. a fashion article that talks about the latest trends tend to be short, whereas a movie review with an in-depth analysis may be written longer. 

Note that if your work is a short story, poetry, or a personal blog article, please refrain from focusing on the word count and write as much, or as little, as you want. 

We do not enforce any limit to creativity.

Guidelines for Artists and Photographers

The Interlude encourages the expression of creativity in various forms and thus has a section just for the visual storytellers. Check out our Visual Media section for incredible artwork and photography submitted by our team members as well as contributors.

We accept any style of artwork (pixel, abstract, contemporary, fantasy, impressionism, surrealism, digital, traditional, etc.) as well as photography (portrait, landscape, fashion, sports, astronomical, still life, architectural, themed, editorial, etc.)

Note that we may either use your artwork or photography in relevant writing pieces or publish them separately under the Visual Media category.

How to Send Us Your Visual Media

You can email your work to

Include the following in your email: 

  1. Your full name
  2. A short bio describing yourself
  3. A description of your work (optional)

The subject line must include:

  1. Title of your work
  2. Category (Artwork/Photography)

You may submit multiple works in the same email; however, when describing your work, you must indicate properly, e.g. rename your files by numbering them and describe the works by mentioning the specific number.

Your files must be in the following formats: .png, .jpg, or .jpeg. For traditional artwork, you can either take aesthetically pleasing photographs or scan them before submitting them. Please try to attach the image files, not embed them to the email.

You may also send the files in a drive folder, but please remember to give full access to us before submitting to avoid the hassle of requesting access.

No Borders or Watermarks

You will be given full credit, so please do not ruin the look by adding unnecessary visual claims to your work.

Interlude Rex Submission

“Interlude Rex” is a segment dedicated to recommending content to its readers and eventually its viewers.  The content ranges, but will not be limited to, movies, tv shows, anime, music albums, books, comic books, YouTube videos, and much more.

What (and How) to Submit

Like most of The Interlude, we accept articles for this section, which you can submit to us by email.

We prefer the submissions to be in a Google Doc file with a sharing link and given access to us. However, you may also send us your piece in the following formats: .doc, .docx, and .pdf

If you are willing to go as far as attaching images or any other type of media to the piece, please attach them to the same email in .png, .jpg, or .jpeg formats.

Word limit and Tone

Since the goal of this platform is to recommend, we suggest the word limit be between 300-600 words. 

As for the tone, we expect the piece to have an upbeat, positive voice throughout as if you are encouraging a friend to watch or read something. The use of the first person (I/we) and second person (you) is required, as we want this to be more of a conversational piece, e.g. “If you are looking for an optimistic take on mental health issues, then I suggest you start watching Ted Lasso.”

Dear Friend Submission

“Dear Friend” is a project inspired by the book Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky, where we will share messages from you to the world. 

If you ever need someone to listen to you but are afraid to express your thoughts, send a message to us via the “Dear Friend” form available anywhere on the site. 

You do not need to input any personal data apart from your message. 

We will share them on our “Dear Friend” page while you remain completely anonymous. You can read all the submissions here.


The editorial team will edit your piece, sometimes extensively. Our editors will work with you to craft something that is the right quality for The Interlude

The editor has the final say on the title and the final proof, though we endeavour to take into account your preferences where appropriate. 

If the editor finds any piece of work that has been plagiarised, they hold the right to reject it immediately without further clarification.

Payment and Fees

Since we’re just a bunch of students chasing our hobbies, there’s no money involved. It is a free platform with the ambition of encouraging creators, and no submission fees need to be paid for publishing your work.

Copyright Info

By submitting your work to us, you are granting us a non-exclusive license to use the work in its submitted form, subject to editing/re-sizing to fit the website format, for publication on The Interlude website for as long as the website exists. 

You are also granting us permission to use any submitted artwork or photography for promotion on sites such as Facebook and Instagram and to put The Interlude logo on it.

We accept simultaneous submissions, and you may publish your work on other platforms; however, once submitted to The Interlude, you are granting us full right over your work, and you cannot request us to take down your work from our website once published.


We are running a legitimate website with a ranking on Google, so the publication can be used as your portfolio for your résumé. You will be given full credit for your work.

Whereas other social media platforms are unable to show your work to anyone outside your follower base, which is very limiting, our website has over 23,000 visitors across 140 countries; it’s a great way to present your work to the world.

Submission Email:

For further queries, Contact Us.

the interlude submission guidelines