Hopes and New Beginnings

new beginnings
Hopes and New Beginnings
Photograph by Shihab Ahmed
New Beginnings and  Hopes
Photograph by Shihab Ahmed
Photograph by Asgar Azwad
Photograph by Asgar Azwad
Photograph by Shuvro Mojumder
Photograph by Shuvro Mojumder
Photograph by Zaki Alam Pushan
Photograph by Zaki Alam Pushan


  • Shihab Ahmed

    Shihab doesn't seem to have opinions about most things and finds it hard to rate the things he's watched. Can't seem to stick to a particular hobby but have been clinging on to photography for quite a while now. He hopes to make the best out of it!

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  • Asgar Azwad

    Asgar, co-founder and editor at The Interlude, is currently a med school student and constantly testing the limits of the human spirit.

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  • Shuvro Mojumder

    Shuvro Mojumder, a photographer and storyteller based in Khulna. Get to know him on Instagram @shuvrosettledown.jpg.

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  • Zaki Alam Pushan

    A chemical engineer who dreams of a world without pollution. A researcher who fell in love with solving problems. A photographer who tries to bring the coexistence of chaos and symphony, disturbance and tranquility through his work. Pushan believes his works are the connection between his dream and reality through his love.

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1 Response

  1. Ahnaf Ibna Abdullah says:

    WOW!! Amzaing 😍

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