Monthly Archive: April 2022


Why Our Standard Word Processor Sucks

In around 2009, my father bought a brand new PC for our home. my brother and I was ecstatic. For the first time, we had a computer that wasn’t a hand-me-down from his office...

Dear Friend #13 0

Dear Friend #13

Dear Friend, Are you still that, I wonder? I know things change, but I had hoped this one thing wouldn’t. Yet as our time passes apart from each other, I only see that you...


NFT For Dummies

One fine evening, I was scrolling through my newsfeed and saw a report claiming “Bored Ape #7090” was sold for USD 2.27 Million! It was a photo of a golden ape with colourful teeth....


Ramadan by Yourself

Not every single thing about Ramadan is wholesome, and that’s okay. We get busy with life; life gets busy with us. There are a million things that can keep us from having Iftaar together...