Netflix's recently released movie, "The House" is an anthology of 3 unsettling stories in different eras and characters surrounding a single house. Here's an illustration set of how this movie filled with horror mixed in with a bit of dark humour would look as event scenes of a Gameboy original.
Anika Tabassum, trying to pursue a career in the scientific field, likes to do fantastical illustrations and try new creative things from time to time. Her love for art was heavily inspired by games, manga, animated movies and series.
"Dear Friend" is a project inspired by the book "Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky, where we will share messages from you to the world. If you ever need someone to listen to you but are afraid to express your thoughts, send a message to us via the "Dear Friend" form available anywhere on the site. You do not need to input any personal data apart from your message. We will share them on our "Dear Friend" page while you remain completely anonymous.