

যুদ্ধবিদ্ধস্ত এই বাংলাদেশের প্রত্যন্ত এক গ্রাম, অমরকোঠা। হিন্দু অধ্যুষিত অঞ্চলটিতে লোকজন গোঁড়ামি আর কুসংস্কারকেই যেন দেবতাজ্ঞানে পূজা করে চলছে যুগের…

2 years ago

Stargazing with the Bossanova Man

On her way to her office floor, Nova found herself in an elevator with one of her colleagues who had…

2 years ago

In some neon in Sylhet

*phone beeps* I wake up with one eye open and check my phone. It took a few seconds for the…

2 years ago

A Bird In The Cage

A bird in the cage, Watching the sky in a daze, Gone were the days, When she enjoyed her solitude in a haze. …

2 years ago

A Forlorn Sunset

The sunset was brighter than usual, and the pedalling noise filled in my ears as I watched him disappear.  Sweat…

3 years ago

Tasting beauty, a girl.

Tasting beauty, a girl.  eyes getting completely blinded as stage lights fall on her face- an angel, a curated diamond.…

3 years ago

I dreamt of August 1st

I dreamt of August 1st drowsy and barefoot in the suni take a bite out of a mangoAugust has returned…

3 years ago