
So much for…

Photo by Zaki Alam Pushan Agony, hidden under false advertisements of harmony,securing a future with all kinds of uncertainty,Posing oh…

3 years ago

Uncanny Silence of Dreams

I was grabbing the twinkles with my glance When I felt the rusty stardust flame And just right then I…

3 years ago

পবিত্র শিশু

উত্তরে হিমালয় থেকে দক্ষিণে বঙ্গোপসাগর,এরই মাঝে পৃথিবীর বৃহৎ ব-দ্বীপ!আমরা বিশ্বাস করতাম,এই ভূখন্ডে একদিন জন্ম হবে একটি পবিত্র শিশুর।প্রকৃতির অমোঘ আদরে…

3 years ago

Dark Sky’s Reflect

The night sky is like a mirror- it reflects every emotion, which binds you with the world. the night is…

3 years ago

Yūgen: A Humbling Experience in the Expansive Cosmos

The sea Right at the sun’s wake, you’re at your calmest shapeAlmost as though there’s no life in you at…

3 years ago

My Radiant Void

The darkest night summons no demons, Only the flicker of lampshade memories Knocking, as if searching a shelter, After murdering,…

3 years ago

can i forget what to call you?

if i die tonight i'd die w the regret that i couldn’t go to the movies with you.. i couldn’t see…

3 years ago