Yūgen: A Humbling Experience in the Expansive Cosmos

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The sea

Right at the sun’s wake, you’re at your calmest shape
Almost as though there’s no life in you at all
Motionless; shock-still
Say, but aren’t you the purest form of what life can take?
For why you’re defined similarly to life itself?
Savouring the earliest moments of dawn with such great intent.
Ever so pleased-

Yūgen plant

Plant baby

And why of all things do you share the most traits to that of a plant?
For its beauty?
Its process of growth; precisely visible to the naked eye?
Or for its thorn-filled stems; to keep away…
Should any being approach?


With a hint of crimson red,
In that very moment, at its peak of splendour.
Ready to put on a show.
The looks of awe; everyone wonderstruck
Moments until the curtains close.
Leaving us with hopes of a new tomorrow.

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  • Sheikh Samia Jahan

    Sheikh Samia Jahan embraces her poetic side but takes a good year or two to share her work. She believes in being seasonally creative since ideas come to her during a selective basis of time. She hopes that her mind will be generous to her in the future and give her full-year access to ingenuity and vision.

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