12 Must-Have Things in Your Summer Backpack

summer backpack
summer backpack


  • Mosharat Belal Tahia

    Mosharat Belal Tahia is just your average, barely alive undergrad student dealing with life and trying to make sense of it. While she states that her interests include reading and writing, you'll hardly see her with a book or a pen and notebook, for that matter. She hopes her lost soul can make it to the "Found" box in one piece.

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  • Odri

    Odri, aka Audrey, Managing Editor at The Interlude, is a full-time marketing specialist who is now pursuing her masters in her dream country. Unlike many, she openly announces her love for studying and being an emotional mess. She is an ambivert who has a diverse taste in books, movies and music. She takes no sugar on her tea or coffee, and she is forever team Kaz.

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1 Response

  1. Asgar Azwad says:

    Simple, Informative, and Cute!

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