Uncanny Silence of Dreams

I was grabbing the twinkles with my glance
When I felt the rusty stardust flame
And just right then I heard that wisp
Like my dreams sang sweet
A simple, gentle, and quiet lullaby
As I reached out to hold them tight
But it turned out they were as desperate as I.
The mountains growled to make sure
I wasn’t the only ugly one to witness it alone.
So I wrapped my hands around that shattered heart of mine,
And whispered to that darkness trapped within his deep brown eyes,
“Honey we were wiser to let it go
Than to let it breakley glow.”
Those rustling autumn leaves flew to you
With dark blank letters I wrote in blue,
To just ensure you were mine to lose,
When the soothing breeze brought your reply
To tap my broken window with those warm lights,
To write it in the sparkles of the sky,
“Darling, it was a story which could have brought us together,
Not life.”