May The Force Be With You

May went by really quick, don’t you think? It’s hard to deal with life when you don’t know where it’s taking you, and it’s harder when you’re the kind of person to take one day at a time with thoughts worth a year like yours truly.
The funny thing about editing articles is that I almost feel like someone is guiding me or leading me during the process because we all have a story to tell, and the stories we tell are guiding someone else as well.
The point of this magazine was to help us grow individually, and while we are still small as a whole, we are inspiring each other with every publication.
One such inspiring publication this month was the Taste of Italy album that Asgar diligently worked on after contacting the 16-years-old photographer/traveller, Isac Hamburg. As Masud mentioned in his Instagram stories, “we went a little international with this one!” Asgar also worked on various other articles, including the Tech and Gaming news articles as well as the article on the Flood Situation in Sylhet. While it didn’t directly affect me, it was horrifying to think of what could’ve been. Luckily, Sylhet is back to thriving again (with sudden showers now and then).
Because it was Mental Health Awareness Month, we have published a guide and shone some light on the condition of Mental Health Therapy in Bangladesh. It was a collaborative effort, but I am especially proud of Prodipta for keeping her words and writing the content beautifully. I love how cooperative she is because I feel like, as an editor, I can come off as a bit harsh even though I do mean well. I hope those who work with me understand. You will also find a hauntingly sad yet beautiful note written by Odri apu on her experiences with anxiety.
We started this month with a festive mood due to Eid and published a list of movies you could watch that was compiled by Masud. Our newest member, Fibi, contributed a cute illustration for Eid, and Tahsin, aka Sharakkhonart, worked on the most splendid Eid illustration for the magazine, which even has all of our current members as tiny figures.
We published our first piece in a foreign language, भावनाएं, contributed in Hindi. I feel so proud watching our little dream grow in this way and grateful for the wonderful people who make it possible. One of my personal favourite pieces published this month was from a contributor, and it talked about Conquering Your Writing Fears which brings me back to my dwelling on my thoughts that take up my entirety.
I have lately resumed wondering what exactly I am good at or whether I am good at anything at all. Writing scares me, honestly, and so does editing. I may or may not be good at either. Both are as scary to me as interacting with people. I am scared, yet I do it. I enjoy it. It terrifies me.
If you are free and scrolling down this editorial piece I randomly wrote down or just in a mood to learn new stuff, I suggest you go through some of the very intriguing and informative articles published in May here. If you’re wondering about the title of this editorial piece and whether I will be mentioning anything regarding it, I am afraid I have to disappoint you. I am a Star Wars geek, but unfortunately, we had no related content to share for Star Wars day. So I decided to use the phrase here because, after all, we all need the Force to be with us.
May the Force be with us all. May we cherish those special relationships in our lives that help us grow, and may we never forget how lucky we are to be living this life. May life get a little easier to deal with.
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